Google I/O 2016

Google I/O 2016.

tl;dr: Bigger. Hotter. Line-ier. Daydream. Google Home. Firebase everywhere! We get to name Android N? Android Studio gets more amazing tools! Android Wear 2.0 cometh. Some of the most awesome people I know in the world coming from all over to one place.

What Every Android Developer Needs to Know About Google I/O 2016

I wrote a more detailed and more Android-development-centric rundown of Google I/O for which you can read here.

Android Dialogs

We recorded three interviews while in town for Google I/O with Rebecca Franks (Android GDE and dev from Johannesburg, South Africa), Effie Barak (Android dev and ExoPlayer ninja at Udemy), and Liam Spradlin (Design GDE and Design Lead for TouchLab).

All three are live on our channel. Check 'em out!

The People
Alright if you've read my blog at least once, you will probably know that I love people and that people-gushing is the number one thing I tend to do post-conferences.

Google I/O 2016 is no exception but what makes it super special is just the sheer number of amazing people that come and the distances around the world from which they come to be in this one place.

So instead of more typical gushiness from here, I will post some pics of just a few of the amazing people that I got to spend time with over those three days.

Wrap Up

So despite the usual unpleasantness trying to get tickets, despite the heat and the lines, I still feelincredibly lucky to have gone to Google I/O and to just be part of this community.

It's a privilege. Love y'all.
